After applying

Applications made directly to the VRB 

After we receive your application, we check what you have sent us and let you know if we need any more information at that stage.

We will also contact the original decision-maker, and any other parties involved, to let them know you that you have asked us to review their decision.

The original decision-maker will send you the decision and all relevant review documents within 28 days after being told the application has been received. These are called '352D documents'. These documents are required to be provided to you by the law. 

Once we receive the section 352D report from the original decision maker, we will contact you to start the VRB review process. 

You can find out what usually happens next in the review process by looking at the VRB’s General Practice Direction .

You can also read the VRB’s Accelerated Review List Practice Direction 2024, if you are seeking review of decisions made under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA).

Applications made to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs

DVA or the MRCC must provide you with a copy of all the evidence under their control that is relevant to the review. This is called a “section 137 report.” 

The VRB is not involved in this process. You should talk to DVA if you have any concerns.

Once we receive the section 137 report from DVA, we will contact you to start your application.

If you resolve your application with DVA or the MRCC before we start the review process or decide you no longer want to proceed with the VRB review, please let us know as soon as possible.

After applying

We will write to you to tell you about the next steps, including the type of VRB event has been scheduled. 

Our different types of events are:

  • dispute resolution events, such as outreaches, conferences or online dispute resolution 
  • case management events, such as directions hearings; and 
  • hearings.