If you have elected to participate in a hearing via online video conference you will need:
- A desktop or laptop computer in a place with good, reliable internet connection, built-in video camera and microphone.
We can assist you with a pre-hearing test of your video equipment.
How to join a video conference
At the VRB we use the online platform Microsoft Teams for hearings.
You can read our tip sheet for joining a Microsoft Teams video conference (PDF 669 KB) here.
What else do I need to know about an online hearing?
An online hearing is no different from a hearing in-person, so please ensure you are in a quiet location and have ready access to any relevant paper or electronic documents.
You can find more tips for online videoconferencing hearings (PDF 482 KB) here.
Email or upload all documents before your hearing
Any documents you wish to rely on for your hearing must be provided to the VRB at least 7 days before the hearing. Providing your documents as early as possible reduces the risk of your hearing being delayed.
You can email or use the VRB Justice portal to provide these documents to the VRB.
What if I need to provide documents to a VRB panel during a hearing?
Any documents should be provided to the VRB at least 7 days before your hearing. However, in the event that you need to provide documents to the panel during the hearing itself, please read this guide and tip sheet (PDF 885 KB).
Please be aware that the panel may need to briefly adjourn the hearing to receive and review the documents provide