Online dispute resolution

ODR is a wholly online process that lets current serving members, veterans and their families resolve applications when and where it's convenient for them. This could be at home, at work or on a phone.

How it works

There are three steps involved:

  1. Request ODR - After you have lodged your application for review you can ask for ODR by using the VRB Justice Portal.
  2. Facilitation - A Conference Registrar will help you to resolve your application online.
  3. Decision - If your application can be resolved by ODR you will be given a binding decision, delivered online.

How do I request ODR?

It is your choice to request ODR.

There is no form required. You can simply upload a document (e.g. a screen shot or word document) into the VRB Justice Portal saying, "I would like my application to proceed to ODR".

One of our registry staff will then contact you and talk you through the process.