
  1. The material available on this website is provided for general information only. Neither the Veterans Review Board (VRB) nor the Commonwealth is providing professional advice.
  2. The VRB and the Commonwealth take no responsibility for the accuracy, currency or completeness of any material available on this website.
  3. Before relying on any of the material available on this website, we strongly recommend that you:
    • exercise care and skill to consider the accuracy, currency and completeness of the material; and
    • get professional advice, if necessary, that is relevant to your circumstances.
  4. Links to other websites are provided for convenience. The VRB and the Commonwealth take no responsibility for the material or any other aspect of those sites. Nor does the inclusion of those links constitute any endorsement of the material or any other aspect of those sites.
  5. The VRB encourages you to contact us regarding any concern about the information on the website or if you require copies of the publications or information contained on our website.