Can I have someone represent me?
The VRB is not like a court. Our processes are generally cost-free and we seek to resolve your application with as little formality as possible. You have the right to be represented throughout the review process. However, lawyers cannot appear at our hearings. Many Ex Service Organisations and the Legal Aid Commissions in some states provide advocates who are free of charge. You can ask our registry staff to help you find a representative.
If you choose an advocate or representative that charges a fee, we cannot pay or reimburse these costs. Similarly, DVA also cannot pay any expenses your representative may charge.
I am about to be deployed, can I still participate in my review?
Yes. In many cases, we are able to arrange for you to participate in your ADR event or hearing by phone. If this is not possible, we will see if your application can be resolved on the papers. If we need additional material, we will contact you by email.
I sorted things out with DVA before my review, what now?
If you resolve your application with DVA before we start the review process or you decide you no longer want to proceed, let us know immediately. We can then use the vacated listing time to help other veterans resolve their cases.
Who covers the cost of obtaining my medical evidence?
You can apply to DVA to be reimbursed the costs of obtaining medical evidence (including associated travel costs) in support of your application. The VRB is not involved in the processing of these claims.
Am I responsible for my travel expenses?
You can also apply to DVA be reimbursed for the cost of some travel expenses.
Can I participate in ADR events or hearings by phone or video?
Yes. Most of our ADR events are conducted by phone. If you can’t attend a hearing in person, you can ask to participate by phone or video. Please contact our registry staff to make these arrangements.
How long will it take for my case to be resolved?
Based on an average case, if your application can be resolved via an Alternative Dispute Resolution process it may only take 2-6 months. If your application proceeds to a VRB hearing, it may take 6-12 months to be resolved.
Your case may take more or less time. For example, a straightforward case may be resolved faster than the times noted above.
I am unhappy with the new decision made by the VRB, what now?
You can appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). Certain time limits apply. Please follow the link to the AAT’s website.