Welcome to the Veterans’ Review Board old

Welcome to the Veterans’ Review Board

We are a specialist tribunal that delivers justice to veterans, current serving members and their families. We take a fresh look at decisions about veterans’ entitlements and compensation and, as independent decision-makers, we can assist in resolving disputes fairly, justly, informally, economically and quickly.

Cover page of the VRB Annual Report 2023-24

VRB Annual Report 2023-24

The VRB Annual Report 2023-24 is now available.

ADR Awards logo

VRB wins Courts and Tribunals ADR Group of the Year

27 April 2022
The VRB was grateful to be winners of the Courts and Tribunals ADR Group of the Year.

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Getting started

You can apply for a review by the VRB. There is no cost to apply. Before you begin, there are a number of things you should know.

A lady at a desk with a telephone to her ear

What decisions can we review?

We can only hear cases where the law gives us this authority. Read about the types of decisions that we most commonly review

A man at a desk shaking hands

Steps to resolve your case

Each case is different and we will work with you to find the best way to resolve your application. There are a number of different options for resolving applications and you can read more about them on this page

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Questions you may have

Take a look through some of our more frequently asked questions about the VRB, our services and our processes.

A woman and a man sitting at a table

Vulnerable Veteran Protocol

This protocol addresses the needs of those veterans and current serving members who face particular difficulties in the review process.

A man sits at a desk with a folder of papers in front of him. A woman sits next to him.

Information and Resources

We strongly encourage veterans to seek a representative for their applications for review. This page contains useful information for advocates appearing at the VRB.