Dispute resolution events

A dispute resolution event is about helping parties to resolve an application. 

The most common dispute resolution events we use are outreaches. They are brief, informal meetings aimed at identifying issues and facilitating resolution. 


Our VRB Conference Registrars and Member are dispute resolution experts who will guide you through the outreach process. 

At an outreach, you can talk to a VRB Conference Registrar or Member about the decision you have received. We will contact you to set up a time for this discussion. It can take place by phone, video or in-person.

The VRB Conference Registrar or Member will explain the review process and ask you to tell us why you are unhappy with the decision. They will also help you to identify the issues in your case and discuss the next best steps to resolve it.

Outreaches are private, confidential sessions and the VRB Conference Registrar or Member will not disclose anything you have said without your consent.

In some cases, the VRB Conference Registrar or Member may recommend that your case can be resolved by a favourable decision ‘on the papers’.

If the case can be resolved in this way, you will be sent a copy of a draft decision. If you accept the draft decision the VRB will make a final decision, a copy of which will sent to you and DVA.

If the case cannot be resolved using dispute resolution, you can elect for your case to go to hearing.